Ccr Shareholders Agreement

In the event of a conflict of interest, the Company`s shareholders` agreement stipulates that the majority interests concerned shall abstain from voting at previous meetings and that the members appointed by them shall form the Board of Directors of the Company. â4.1. In addition, any member of the Board of Directors may request the preparation of an independent audit by expert advisors in advance to review the terms of the proposed contract. Through our website and other public submissions, we provide a significant amount of information relating to our firm commitment to the responsible use of CPRs and the assessment of potential legal, reputational and financial risks to the Company in connection with such efforts. Management and the Board of Directors believe that the information presented on our website, including ameren Missouri`s 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP 2017), our responses to the Carbon Disclosure Project`s (CDP) 2017 Water Report and our Corporate Social Responsibility Report (CSR 2017), as well as the information contained in our filings with the SEC and other agencies, provide shareholders with full disclosure of our Provide measures to identify and manage potential risks of CCRs. We have summarized the information presented in these resources below and have specifically addressed the proponents` claims that support the false claim. In addition, there are publications such as the Code of Conduct and the Code of Ethics that define the visions and values of the Group`s development strategy. The purpose of this first, which is intended for controlling shareholders, officers, members of the Tax Board and other bodies with technical or advisory functions, as well as employees or managers with access to relevant information, is to ensure standards of transparency in the Company`s internal policy on the trading of CCR securities and in the use of relevant information. In the case of the Code of Ethics, which is addressed to all officers and employees of the Group, it establishes general principles that must define the Company`s relations with the community, suppliers, shareholders and investors, as well as with other stakeholders. Another important element is the balanced participation of majority shareholdings; A minimum quorum of 51% is required for the approval of certain subjects at meetings preceding general meetings. This means that all issues relevant to the company are necessarily subject to collective analysis. Minority shareholders have the opportunity to report claims and recommendations to management through CCR`s investor relations channel. CRCs are not equity or voting securities of ETC, do not represent interests in ETC, and CCR holders are not entitled to any voting or capital rights or other interests of ETC, ETE or any etc affiliate or ETE, whether legally or in equity.

No interest or dividend may be charged on amounts payable in connection with THE RACs. The rights of JRC holders are limited to the rights expressly provided for in the JRC Agreement. The proposal is essentially in line with the proposals received by the company in 2011 and 2012. While none of these proposals were approved by shareholders, the Company accepted in response to the 2011 proposal, consistent with its commitment to protect the health and safety of the public and its employees and to generate enough electricity to meet demand at the lowest cost while increasing shareholder value. to provide important information on the Company`s management of CCRs in the future. When a nearly identical proposal was submitted by the same proponent in 2012, it received the support of only 9.2% of shareholders, a significant decrease from the previous year. As part of our commitment to sustainability, Ameren prioritizes environmental responsibility as well as our responsibilities to customers and communities, employees and shareholders. Our environmental responsibility includes maintaining clean water through the safe and responsible use of RCCs. .