Tenancy Tribunal Application Forms

If you wish to be represented by someone else, you must obtain permission from QCAT. The performance may or may not be authorized. You must provide the person with a signed letter from you stating that you have authorized them to act on your behalf in relation to the rental matter. QCAT also has an application form for authorization to be represented, which is available on the QCAT website. The online application is a four-step process. You may not be able to fill out the app on some mobile phones. If you can, please complete your application on a desktop or laptop computer. If you don`t have one, you can do so at your local library or Internet café. If you are the one making the request, you will pay the fee. If you are receiving a benefit, work and income can help. If the RTA cannot help you resolve your dispute, it will send you a notice of unresolved dispute with an arbitration number.

If you are requesting a non-urgent QCAT hearing, you must write the arbitration number on your application form and attach a copy of your Notice of Unresolved Dispute. “Urgent” requests are defined in the law under section 415. All other requests are “not urgent”. This means that before you can submit a request for non-emergency housing lease negotiation to QCAT, you must first submit a request for mediation to the RTA Dispute Resolution Service. QCAT is a court, not a court. The parties must represent themselves and present their own case. In the case of minor civil disputes – residential rental issues – legal representation is not allowed, except in exceptional circumstances. If you are successful, the rental court may order the other party to pay you the application fee. You must request this when applying. Civil and Administrative Court of Queensland (QCAT) The Civil and Administrative Court of Queensland (QCAT) may hear rental disputes covered by the Residential Tenancies and Accommodation in Rooms Act 2008 (the Act). QCAT aims to resolve rental disputes in a fair, equitable, accessible, timely and cost-effective manner. You can submit requests for Form L1 and Form L2 using the electronic file.

The following 5 online videos provide tenants with tips on how to resolve rental disputes and understand the dispute resolution process, including the role of the RTA`s dispute resolution department and QCAT`s role in hearing rental disputes. Part 1 – An overview of the rental dispute resolution process, including talking to your landlord or agent, getting advice from a tenant counselling service, and requesting the RTA`s dispute resolution service. Part 2 – An overview of the RTA`s dispute resolution service, which provides free telephone arbitration for rental matters and is a necessary first step in resolving rental issues defined as non-urgent QCAT rental matters. Part 3 – An overview of the role of the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) in hearing urgent and non-urgent rental matters. Part 4 – How to Request a QCAT Rental Hearing and the Difference Between Urgent and Non-Urgent QCAT Requests. Part 5 – Going to a QCAT Rent Hearing – What to Expect When Attending a Hearing as a Plaintiff or Defendant. When you apply to QCAT, you must write the number and name of the section relating to the reason for your request (p.B.s 419 Requests on breach of agreements). If you are a landlord, agent or tenant involved in a rental dispute, you can request online that the matter be heard in the Civil and Administrative Court of New South Wales (NCAT). For more information, see Tenants Queensland`s rental fact sheets, including rental dispute resolution. For forms and information about the RAQ, visit www.qcat.qld.gov.au the RAQ can make a number of orders to resolve disputes regarding rental and accommodation in residential buildings. Parties can request a lease negotiation using a QCAT 2 Minor Civil Litigation Request – Residential Rental Disputes form. If you are aware of a tenant hearing at QCAT, it is important to attend.

If you do not participate, a decision can be made solely on the basis of the evidence of the other party. If possible, it is best to apply online. The process is fast and you will know that the first time you submit a correct and complete application. Articles 22 to 23 of the Regulation Directive 516/06 under the Residential Tenancies Act 2006 (RTA) has been amended with effect from 1 July 2020. These sections deal with the submission requirements for requests for rent increases beyond the Directive (Form L5). These amended requirements apply to L5 applications submitted on or after July 1, 2020: To apply to the Tenancies Tribunal, you must complete an application form. Before you begin, make sure you know: For more information about which application to submit, see Help for Homeowners. You must clearly state this in your application. Then we can try to schedule both applications at the same time. QCAT has updated its Request for Form 2 for Minor Civil Litigation – Residential Tenancies – to guide you through the process. If you disagree with the other party`s request, gather evidence and prepare what you want to say at the hearing.

It is helpful to prepare a written statement that you can take with you to the hearing with your evidence. If you need help or advice answering a QCAT rental question, contact a tenant counselling service. Be sure to use the address above. All requests received after May 6, 2017 at PO Box 50 546, Porirua 5240 will be returned to the sender.