Five hundred rupees, subject to a maximum tax of five thousand rupees. `Provided that, in the case of a mining lease for bauxite, the tax payable under paragraph 1 does not exceed the amount in rupees obtained by applying 0,1 times the annual rate of mining permitted under the environmental authorisation for such a mining lease under the applicable law, multiplied by the duration of the lease: [`bb` in the case of a contract for the sale of immovable property. CHARTER PARTY, i.e. any instrument (with the exception of an agreement on the rental of a steam tug) in which a ship or a specific body thereof is left for specified charter purposes, whether or not it contains a penalty clause. that the letter suspends their claims for a certain period of time and allows the debtor to continue its activity at its discretion. (2) Upon receipt of notice under subsection 1, the collector, after giving the parties a reasonable opportunity to be heard and to conduct an investigation in accordance with the provisions of this Act, shall determine the market value of the real property that is the subject of the transfer, exchange or gift and the above-mentioned obligation, and thereafter any difference in the amount of the levy shall be paid by the person liable for tax. RENTAL CONTRACT or service contract. See Agreement (No 5). CONSIDERATION OR DUPLICATE of an instrument that is subject to a tax and for which the corresponding tax has been paid – electronic stamping is still not widespread in Goa, although the government is working hard to implement it in the near future. From now on, traditional stamp paper will be used in all respects. The same tax as a bond (Article 15) for an amount equal to the adjusted amount or the market value of the property paid, but not more than two hundred rupees. The same tax levied on the articles of association in accordance with Article 10 on the basis of the share capital of the company.
(a) where the fee charged to the original instrument does not exceed three rupees; Unlike most states where female buyers benefit from reduced fees, stamp duty is the same for men and women throughout Goa, including the capital Panjim. Variations in stamp duty in the State are taxed only on the basis of the transaction value. MORTGAGE OF A CULTURE, including all instruments that support an agreement to secure the repayment of a loan granted on a mortgage of a culture, whether or not the culture already exists at the time of the mortgage. The same obligation as a mortgage deed with possession (No. 39) a) for the amount equal to the total amount of the charge (including the initial mortgage claim of any other charge already collected) less the tax already paid on that initial mortgage and the additional charge. The same tax levied on a transport operation referred to in Article 22 (a) or.b) on the market value of those assets, subject to a minimum rate of one hundred rupees. Although customs duties vary from state to state, there is a fixed base price known as the county rate or Ready Reckoner rate, on the basis of which stamp duty is calculated as a specific percentage. If the stamp duty in your state is 6% and the county value of the property is Rs 50 lakhs, the buyer must pay Rs 3 lakhs as stamp duty.
Half of the tax payable on a bond (No. 15) on the total amount to be paid or payable under such a lease. The conventional way to prepare leases would be for the tenant and landlord to discuss the clauses they need with each other and include them in a project. A lawyer should then review the contents of the draft and then have it printed on stamped paper of reasonable value. You can now also create a rental agreement online The same tax will be levied on a transfer in accordance with Article 22 clause (a) for the amount of this consideration as indicated in the declaration. (a) where that loan or debt can be repaid on demand for more than three months from the date of the instrument proving the agreement; Half of the tax levied on such bonds, mortgage deeds or insurance policies is subject to a maximum of seventy-five rupees. The same obligation as a bond (No. 15) for the value of the assets to which the premium relates, as specified in such a premium, subject to a maximum amount of fifty rupees.
(c) in the case of a security right or a security right or an additional or substitute security right or as other security for the above purposes where the principal or principal guarantee is duly stamped – The following are the usual types of leases in use – 2.9% of the market value of the property, subject to a minimum tax of one hundred rupees and rounded to the next hundred in their multiples thereof. . . .