Notwithstanding the provisions of section 63.03 on the calculation of retroactive payments and section 66.02 on the period of implementation of collective agreements, the purpose of this memorandum is to promulgate the agreement between the employer and the Public Service Alliance of Canada on a modified approach to the calculation and management of retroactive payments for the current round of bargaining. 17.38 Both parties to this Agreement identify the person entitled to receive a political complaint following receipt of a political complaint: Please update your contact information through the Member Portal to continue receiving information on the implementation of the current collective agreement and the Phoenix Settlement. For seasonal and part-time indeterminate employees, the VSS is prorated, like the severance pay under the collective agreement. The provisions of the collective agreements relating to severance pay complement the VSS. The Working Group shall meet within ninety (90) days of the signing of this Collective Agreement. 33.01 For the purposes of this collective agreement, travel time shall be compensated only in the circumstances and to the extent provided for in this section. *65.02 The elements of the NJC that may be included in a collective agreement are those elements that the parties to the NJC agreements have designated as such or on which the Chair of the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board has made a decision under clause (c) of the NJC Agreement, which entered into force on 6 December. 1978 as amended from time to time. Wage rates are adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement. Changes in rates of pay whose effective date is prior to the date of the salary adjustment shall be paid in the form of a lump sum payment in accordance with Annex K. In particular: a.
Year 1 increases (i.e., “A”): Paid as a retroactive lump sum payment of an economic increase of 2.8% from the January 1, 2018 rates. b. Year 2 increases (i.e., “B”): retroactive lump sum payment equal to the Year 1 increase plus an economic increase of 2.2%, representing a total composite increase of 5.062% in the January 1, 2018 rates. c. Increases in year 3 (i.e. “C”): retroactive lump sum payment equal to the year 1 and year 2 increases plus an economic increase of 1.35%, representing a total compound increase of 6.480% in the January 1, 2018 rates. $ – Valid on January 1, 2018 A – Valid on January 1, 2019 Table Note 1 B – Valid on January 1, 2020 Table Note 1 C – Valid from January 1. January 2021 Table Note 1 37.08 Under this agreement, an employee cannot obtain leave credits in a month for which he or she has already taken leave under another collective agreement to which the employer is a party or other employer rules or regulations.
In the coming weeks, PSAC will meet with Parks and CFIA representatives to sign the new collective agreements. With the exception of monetary policy provisions, which apply retroactively, the new contractual conditions enter into force at the time of signature. Subject to section 61.04, if the part-time worker meets the requirements to receive a registration allowance on a day of rest in accordance with paragraph 30.01(a) of this collective agreement and is entitled to a minimum payment instead of remuneration for the time of work actually worked, the part-time worker will receive a minimum payment of four (4) hours at the flat rate of pay. 17.23 In the event of alleged misinterpretation or application resulting from agreements reached by the National Joint Council (NJC) of the Public Service on elements that may be included in a collective agreement and approved by the parties to this agreement, the complaints procedure shall be conducted in accordance with Part 15 of the NJC By-Laws. 17.16 If, by reason of its nature, the complaint is such that a decision cannot be taken below a certain level of competence, some or all levels, with the exception of the final level, may be annulled by agreement between the employer and the employee and, where appropriate, the trade union. *67.02 Unless expressly agreed otherwise, the provisions of this Agreement shall enter into force on the date of their signature. With effect from June 2, 2019 and until June 1, 2019. As of September 2020, compensation consultants who are entitled to compensation compensation for compensation consultants listed in Appendix D of the PSAC collective agreement for the 2014 round of bargaining (hereinafter referred to as “employees”) are entitled to the following incentive payments: Negotiations on the next CFIA contract are currently underway […].