Have Executed This Agreement

If you need help with a contract that has been executed, you don`t have to deal with it alone. Contract lawyers are familiar with the world of contracts and can help you with any questions or concerns you may have. Publish a project on ContractsCounsel to get in touch with lawyers who specialize in executed contracts. If you have a fully executed contract, it means that you have entered into a legally binding agreement. You agree that all the conditions of the contract satisfy you, and your signature confirms this. Benjamin is a new student who has just found his first apartment. When he goes to the rental office to get the keys, he learns that he must first sign a lease before he can take control of the unit. He also learns that he cannot move in for two weeks, which allows the apartment management team to prepare the apartment for its move-in date. Benjamin signs his lease on May 1st, the date of move in on May 15th.

May 1 is the execution date, on which May 15 is the effective date, while Benjamin moves in. Read this article to learn more about execution dates. The importance of this issue cannot be overemphasized. Obviously, you don`t want a company to pretend that they don`t have to abide by the contract because it was signed by someone who wasn`t authorized to do so. So, if the other party to the contract is a business, you need to make sure that the company actually exists, that the person signing on behalf of the company has the authority to do so, and that the contract has been approved by the shareholders or directors of the company. You negotiated an important agreement, you reduced it to a written contract, and now you are ready to sign on the dotted line. Most people think that actually signing a contract is just a formality. However, it is important not to lower their vigilance at this stage. Whether you sign the contract correctly can mean the difference between a smooth business transaction or a chaotic court battle. In short, the safest way for simple contracts and deeds is for the parties to exchange PDF copies of the signature pages executed by email, as well as – in the same email – a Word or PDF version of the entire signed agreement. When it comes to bankruptcy, an executable contract takes on a different definition. If an insolvency judge determines that a full contract exists, it means that both parties to the bankruptcy have not yet reached their agreement.

This may mean that the person declaring bankruptcy must continue to make car payments until the bill is repaid, or that a person`s mortgage must be satisfied before they can own their home, regardless of the bankruptcy filing. However, the effective date does not occur before your move-in date. This is the date on which all the terms of your agreement officially take effect. In other words, that`s when your agreement officially comes into effect. While an executed contract may refer to an agreement between two or more parties with signatures, it may also refer to a contract that has not only been agreed but also fulfilled. Both definitions are legally valid and can be used in both contexts. From a legal point of view, if you have a contract fully executed, it means that there is legal recourse if one of the requirements of the agreement is violated. Each signatory party receives certain rights upon entry into force of the contract. If someone doesn`t follow what they originally agreed, it could mean problems for them. However, an act requires an additional formality of realization that goes beyond a simple signature.

Deeds must be in writing and are usually performed in the presence of a witness, although in the case of a corporation, an act may actually be performed by two directors or one director and the secretary of the corporation. Specific formulations should also be included above the signature blocks. While a contract doesn`t need to be dated to be valid and enforceable, it`s a good idea to do so. Dating with a contract will help you identify it positively later if necessary and help you put it in the right chronological context. In addition, it is legal in Michigan to precede a contract. In other words, you can expect your contract to be concluded “from” or “effectively” on a date prior to the date of the actual signing of the contract. If this happens, the contract becomes retroactively “from” or “effective” to that earlier date. The date of performance of a contract performed is the date on which all parties signed the paper copy of the agreement. The date of performance should not be confused with the date of entry into force, which indicates the date on which the contract officially enters into force in the contract. .